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Let us take you through our service pipeline.

Does your organization want to be aware of how personal ideas and experiences affect its innovation? Are you a research laboratory that want to routinize equity in your lab work or a company that already utilized systems engineering for the design, production, and marketing of products, but have no idea on how equity fits within that? Do you have a team of diverse leaders with different skills and communication styles? If you answered yes to any of these questions, contact us today!

Our ideal clients are organizations that want clarity on how to go from social awareness to assessment to action.


Let us take you from 


1. Product and Process Auditing


Our firm can uniquely can create a systems engineering check to watch the workflow of a particular project or device.

Using organizational sociological training, we will take inventory of the cultural climate of your organization and conduct research evaluating your equity performance. We will provide feedback with the employee/member dynamics, and expose the unseen outside influences that shape the innovation and production decisions. We also will look at the end of the pipeline and investigate its effects on end user stakeholders.

Altogether, this service will provide feedback about workplace dynamics, productivity, and social impact, which can provide your organization the opportunity to understand its opportunities and obstacles.


2. Systems Implementation



Let us optimize your social impact!​ With newfound information on your organization's stakeholders, we can create procedures and protocols that take into account your design equity goals.


This implementation service includes our expert advising and adaptation of protocols as necessary. We can collaborate with all levels of the team to ensure your resources are optimized.

We will work within university/company policy as well as research ethics guidelines so that we can design the right workflow for you! We are familiar with the pains of policy and the rigor of standards from the FDA, BMES, SAE, BMES, and more.

This service works best after our auditing service and in tandem with our training services.

3. Teaching and Training


ESC sees education as a critical way to revolutionize the way equity is embedded in engineering design. Our teaching and training can operate as standalone resources, or better yet complement our systems implementation services.


We do workshops in laboratories, offices, production facilities, classrooms, farms- anywhere and everywhere where folks what to learn about biomedical design justice.

We will design custom materials and workshops in connection with our systems design services, so that the systems implementation process goes as smoothly as possible. For those requesting a standalone educational service, we still can create lasting experiences through speaking events, community workshops, and more.

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